TAPP Registry and the NEW AR Professional Development Registry

TAPP Registry and the NEW Arkansas Professional Development Registry


The Division of Child Care & Early Childhood Education has announced that the TAPP registry will continue to be utilized until the end of the fiscal year. The PDR, which is scheduled to launch January 9, 2017, will still be used concurrently with TAPP until June 30, 2017.

As ECEP trainers have no doubt heard, the TAPP Registry is transitioning to the new Professional Development Registry (PDR) effective January 9th, 2017. Not only is this a complete name change, it is essentially starting a new Registry; therefore, there are many changes that will affect you as a trainer.

  • Deliver courses as scheduled and planned. Continue to register them with ECEP so we can assist you with tracking all course records.
  • Courses starting after June 30, 2017 cannot be registered in the TAPP Registry. If courses with a begin date of July 1st or later have already been registered, they will need to be registered in the new Professional Development Registry. ECEP will keep you informed when that can be completed.
  • Make sure your personal information is correct with TAPP. When you register with PDR, it will match the information you enter with what is in TAPP. If it can “reasonably” assume it’s the same person, data will be transferred. The best way to ensure the data will move to the new system is to make sure your TAPP data is the same as what you’ll enter in PDR
  • Download your training transcript to have a record of past and current trainings and courses attended. All members of the TAPP Registry will have to reapply to become members in the PDR. At this time, it is anticipated that your TAPP training transcript will transfer to your new PDR training transcript IF your personal information in TAPP matches what you enter into PDR. At a future point, TAPP will no longer be accessible to members. In the chance that all your trainings do not transfer, you will want to have a record of your completed trainings.

NOTE: If you have received a TAPP postcard regarding the new Registry, the weblink listed is incorrect. Click here to access the website.

  Please continue to offer and deliver courses as usual.

ECEP will help support our trainers through this transition by providing our own train-the-trainer sessions and webinars.

TAPP has scheduled PDR TTT’s for trainers to take place in the next month or so. If you would like attend one of their sessions to gain information and ask questions, please feel free to do so.


Training facilitated by TAPP staff:

The dates and locations of the sessions offered by TAPP/PDR are:

  • November 18th – Jonesboro A-State Childhood Services (10am-12:30pm)

To attend one of these sessions, please email Lora Mosley at lmosley@astate.edu and let her know you work for ECEP at University of Arkansas—Fayetteville.

For more information or questions concerning the TAPP transition, you can visit the TAPP Registry online or call the Registry at 888-429-1585.


Training facilitated by ECEP staff:

  • November 29th – Early Care & Education Main Office (1pm-4pm)
  • November 30th – Hilton Garden Inn, West Little Rock (1pm-4pm)
  • December 1st – Hilton Garden Inn, Conway (1pm-4pm)
  • December 3rd – Early Care & Education Main Office (1pm-4pm)

Webinars will be offered:

  • December 13th (1pm-3pm)
  • December 14th (1pm-3pm)

If you wish to attend one of these trainings, please email us and request space.

The Professional Development Registry (PDR) is essentially a new Registry the state has created. Trainers will have to attend a training on the new PDR to learn to navigate this new system. While it has many of the same functions as the TAPP Registry, trainers will access the information in completely different ways in the PDR.

All trainers and practitioners will have to complete a new membership application in the PDR, which means a new PDR membership number will be assigned. Upon applying to become a member of PDR, everyone will be prompted to enter their existing TAPP ID number. If the personal information (name and contact information) entered in PDR matches what is in TAPP, only the trainings from the TAPP training transcript will transfer. Having your personal data match between TAPP and PDR will be the best way to make sure your information will transfer. However, as a safe-guard we recommend that you download your training transcript to have a record of past and current trainings and courses attended.

Your training transcripts only.

Any personal information such as address, telephone numbers, and employment information will not. However, if the PDR system cannot match your information in the TAPP system, which is based on info such as your address, etc., your transcript may not transfer. Making sure your data in TAPP matches what you'll be entering in PDR will help eliminate that possibility.

Your training transcripts only.

Any personal information such as address, telephone numbers, and employment information will not. However, if the PDR system cannot match your information in the TAPP system, which is based on info such as your address, etc., your transcript may not transfer. Making sure your data in TAPP matches what you’ll be entering in PDR will help eliminate that possibility.


ECEP will cover all the content PDR will cover and it will count towards your train-the-trainer for PDR in their system. An advantage to taking the training with ECEP is that we will cover the material and answer any questions as they relate to our specific in-house procedures (such as ECEP Course Submission forms, Trainer Checklists, and trainer forms).


The TAPP/PDR training mustn’t be confused with an ECEP Train-the-Trainer workshop for a specific ECEP course (such as CCOT). While you may have recently attended a TTT workshop for an ECEP course, you must still satisfy the TAPP/PDR requirement since all ECEP courses must be conducted by TAPP/PDR approved trainers and registered with the Registry.

The PDR TTT workshops content will cover trainers’ procedures to follow as they relate specifically to the Registry (such as obtaining preliminary rosters, registering courses and entering attendance).

If you are an accepted ECEP trainer, you will be invited to attend a Train-the-Trainer workshop for the course(s) for which you were accepted when one is scheduled. Remember, all ECEP trainers must also be PDR approved, you must attend the new PDR training.

The Train-the-Trainer workshops for ECEP courses cover the course content itself. These workshops are where you will receive your trainer manual for that particular course, learn ECEP’s internal policies and procedures for trainers, trainer forms and more.

If you are unable to attend a PDR Train-the-Trainer workshop with TAPP/PDR, you can attend one offered by ECEP. We will be offering workshops on the new PDR around the state in the next few months. We will provide as much notice as we feasibly can. We are also anticipating offering webinars both during the day and perhaps a few evenings. Announcements for upcoming workshops will be sent via email. (If you need to update your information with ECEP, visit [[link to trainer update form]] and fill out the online form.)

ECEP Contact:
   Michelle Crain, mdcrain@uark.edu 
   Kimberly Russell, ecepinfo@uark.edu

   Lora Mosley, lmosley@astate.edu
   General Email at TAPP/PDR:  prof_registry@astate.edu

Division of Childcare and Early Childhood Education Contact:
   Paige Cox, Paige.Cox@dhs.arkansas.gov


 October 24, 2016