Advanced Courses
These courses are for individuals with advanced experience and levels of education in early child care. This includes lead teachers, site directors, owners, and others with extended field experience working directly with children and programs that serve young children.
Advanced courses are offered to anyone, free of charge.
Courses for Infant and Toddler Educators
1. Infant Toddler Standards
Infant Toddler Standards: Arkansas CDELS provides educators with a foundation in the early learning standards and with strategies for applying the Arkansas Child Development and Early Learning Standards: Birth through 60 Months into the classroom.
Courses for Pre-K Educators
2. Pre-K Math and Science
This course assists early educators through the scientific inquiry method and mathematical processes while sparking curiosity and giving educators the tools to help young children explore their world in a developmentally appropriate way.
3. Pre-K Relationships
Pre-K Relationships and Behavior gives early educators the skills to build warm relationships with children, parents, and co-workers. This course helps early educators prevent challenging behavior and learn how to manage disruptive behavior.
4. Pre-K Standards
Pre-K Standards: Arkansas CDELS provides educators with a foundation in the early learning standards and with strategies for applying the Arkansas Child Development and Early Learning Standards: Birth through 60 Months into the preschool classroom.
Courses for All Early Childhood Educators
5. Every Child Belongs
Every Child Belongs blends evidence-based practice from early childhood education with special education. Learn the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to meet the needs of all children across a range of abilities.
6. Observation and Assessment
Observation and Assessment: Arkansas CDELS focuses on the value of learning about children as individuals through observation while developing an ongoing assessment process and making informed decisions about planning daily activities for children.
7. Strengthening Families™
Strengthening Families™ makes positive outcomes more likely for young children and their families, and reduces the likelihood of child abuse and neglect by engaging families, programs, and communities in building the five key Protective Factors.