Pre-K Relationships and Behavior
Pre-K Relationships and Behavior provides early educators the opportunity to learn the knowledge and skills to build warm relationships with 3- to 5-year old children, parents, and co-workers; to create positive and productive classroom climates. Pre-K Relationships and Behavior also assists early educators in learning the skills necessary to prevent challenging behavior; and, to manage disruptive behavior and teach children new skills, thus entering kindergarten ready to learn.
Pre-K Relationships and Behavior helps early educators:
- Identify how children develop relationship-building and emotional awareness
- Develop positive relationships with children, families, and colleagues
- Implement preventive classroom practices that support development and appropriate behavior
- Develop skills to implement social interaction and emotional regulation skills teaching strategies
- Understand methods for implementing intensive individualized interventions for children
challenging behaviors
Pre-K Relationships and Behavior includes the following lessons:
- The Foundation of Social-Emotional Learning 3 hours
- Social-Emotional Development 2 hours
- Temperament 3 hours
- Influences on Social-Emotional Learning I 3 hours
- Influences on Social-Emotional Learning II 3 hours
- Building Positive Relationships 3 hours
- Classroom Preventive Practices I 3 hours
- Classroom Preventive Practices II 3 hours
- Classroom Preventive Practices III 4 hours
- Understanding Behavior I 3 hours
- Understanding Behavior II 3 hours
- Social-Emotional Teaching Strategies I 3 hours
- Social-Emotional Teaching Strategies II 3 hours
- Intensive Individualized Interventions I 4 hours
- Intensive Individualized Interventions II 2 hours
Pre-K Relationships and Behavior offers the following to all participants:
- Up to 45 hours of professional development credit from the Arkansas Professional Development Registry and the Arkansas Department of Education
- Available for anyone to enroll in FREE OF CHARGE
- FREE course materials and access to in-depth content, including a participant manual and other resources, such as Bein' With You This Way, On Monday When It Rained, both Kindergarten Readiness Indicator Checklists for Families and for Teachers, and other resources
- Up to 4.5 Continuing Education Units, upon request
- Certificate of Completion and Verification of Training Hours, upon request
- Opportunity to collaborate and build community engagement with other industry expert
Visit the Arkansas Professional Development Registry to find available courses or call (800) 632-8754.
The Arkansas Department of Education approves all courses provided by Early Care and Education Projects for professional development credit. However, the awarding of professional development credit based on attendance at this workshop is solely at the discretion of the local school district. Learn more by reviewing the Arkansas Department of Education Rules Governing Professional Development (Feb 2016).