Every Child Belongs
Every child is exceptional and can benefit when an environment that supports all children forms the foundation for early learning programs. Every Child Belongs is a 15-hour course that blends evidence-based practice from early childhood education with early childhood special education. Learn the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to meet the needs of all children across a range of abilities. Early childhood professionals will receive resources that will work in classroom communities to benefit every child.
Every Child Belongs helps early educators:
- Understand the meaning and importance of early childhood settings
- Gain strategies, knowledge, and skills to ensure the implementation of practices for all children in infant/toddler- and preschool-aged environments
- Discuss a variety of techniques, strategies, and resources to help build and maintain good working relationships, so that young children can reach their maximum potential
- Develop an understanding of the importance of transition planning for young children with disabilities and their families and gain tools, tips, and resources to help support successful transitions
Every Child Belongs includes the following lessons:
- What Is Inclusion and Why Is It Important? 3 hours
- Implementation of Inclusion Practices for Infants and Toddlers 3 hours
- Implementation of Inclusion Practices for Preschool 3 hours
- Collaboration to Support Inclusion 3 hours
- Transition Planning and Activities 3 hours
Every Child Belongs offers the following to all participants:
- Up to 15 hours of professional development credit from the Arkansas Professional Development Registry and the Arkansas Department of Education
- Available for anyone to enroll in FREE OF CHARGE
- FREE course materials and access to in-depth content, including a participant manual and other resources
- Up to 1.5 Continuing Education Units, upon request
- Certificate of Completion and Verification of Training Hours, upon request
- Opportunity to collaborate and build community engagement with other industry experts
Visit the Arkansas Professional Development Registry to find available courses or call (800) 632-8754.
The Arkansas Department of Education approves all courses provided by Early Care and Education Projects for professional development credit. However, the awarding of professional development credit based on attendance at this workshop is solely at the discretion of the local school district. Learn more by reviewing the Arkansas Department of Education Rules Governing Professional Development (Feb 2016).