For Providers

The below links are resources for professionals in the field of early child care and education. The use or mention of any of these sponsoring sites or publications does not imply an endorsement by Early Care and Education Projects or the University of Arkansas.

AR Resource Connections Logo

Arkansas Resources Connections is your one-stop location for early childhood education policies, forms, guidance, discounts, and more to save you time, reduce costs, and improve quality!

Arkansas Approved Early Childhood Curriculum from the Office of Early Childhood

Arkansas Child Development and Early Learning Standards: Birth through 60 Months (Arkansas CDELS)
(English)  (Spanish)

Arkansas CDELS poster

Arkansas Workforce Knowledge and Competencies (WKC) for Early Care and Education Professionals

Adventures for Toddlers comprehensive curriculum for children aged 18 to 36 months

Adventures in Learning comprehensive curriculum for children aged 3 to 5 years old

Association of Measurements: Early Childhood (AOM) the relationship of the Arkansas CDELS to other educational standards and measurements

Books and Movement: A Magical Mix (BAMMM!) series of activity guides that connect literature and movement

Connecting Literature and Math (CLAM) supports teachers by providing math to children aged 3 to 5

Connecting with Infants curriculum for children birth to 18 months

Creative Adventures with Literature literature and art supplement for teachers of children ages 3 to 5

Developmental Rating Scale: Birth through 36 Months (DRS)
(print)  (interactive)

Developmental Rating Scale: 19 through 60 Months (DRS)
(print)  (interactive)

Getting Ready For Kindergarten: A Calendar of Family Activities (2023) ideas and activities for families with children ages 4 and 5 to do together to prepare for kindergarten

Infant and Toddler Family Connection activities that connect infants and toddlers to their families and to their child care settings

Kindergarten Readiness Indicator Checklist for Families (KRIC)

Kindergarten Readiness Indicator Checklist for Early Childhood Educators (KRIC)
(English)  (Spanish)

KRIC for Families placemat (free laminated copies available to order at 479-575-6637)
(English)  (Spanish)

Story-A-Month collection of storytelling patterns and learning activities for favorite children’s books and Mother Goose Rhymes

Strategies and Activities: Infant Toddler based on the Arkansas CDELS in building quality developmentally appropriate curriculum, goals, and environments for children in the classroom

Strategies and Activities: Preschool based on the Arkansas CDELS in building quality developmentally appropriate curriculum, goals, and environments for children in the classroom

The Family Connection activities that connect children ages 3 to 5 to their classroom and their families

"TOP 10" Basics for Health and Safety in Child Care Centers

"TOP 10" Basics for Health and Safety in Child Care Family Homes

Child Care Aware® of America works with a national network of more than 400 child care resource and referral agencies and other partners to ensure that all families have access to quality, affordable child care. CCAoA leads projects that increase the quality and availability of child care, conducts research, and advocates for child care policies that positively impact the lives of children and families. 

View Arkansas Contact Map

Child Care Aware sites in Arkansas

Northwest Arkansas and River Valley

Northcentral Arkansas

Eastern Arkansas

Central and Southwest Arkansas

West Central Arkansas


The below MLRs are the most current version from the Office of Early Childhood, effective December 1, 2020. Please check the publication date on the cover page at your center or home and ensure that it's the newest version.

Minimum Licensing Requirements for Child Care Centers  (rev. 12/01/2020)

Minimum Licensing Requirements for Licensed Child Care Family Homes  (rev. 12/01/2020)

Minimum Licensing Requirements for Out-of-School Time Facilities  (rev. 12/01/2020)

Minimum Licensing Requirements for Registered Child Care Family Homes  (rev. 12/01/2020)

Topics and Helpful Resources

Arkansas Better Beginnings

Arkansas Department of Education (ADE)

Arkansas Division of Elementary and Secondary Education

Arkansas Early Childhood Association (AECA)

Arkansas Education Service Cooperatives

Arkansas Office of Early Childhood (OEC)

Arkansas Professional Development Registry (PDR)

Association for Early Learning Leaders

Caring for Our Children (CFOC) the most up-to-date source for health and safety guidelines in early care and education programs

Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University, a multidisciplinary team committed to driving science-based innovation in policy and practice

Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL)

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Child Data Sheet for Family Home Providers

Child Development Associate Credential™ (CDA) Credentialing Process Overview

CLASS® Age Levels

Curricula Concepts promoting positive relationships between educators, children, and their families


Erikson Institute

Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE)



Indispensable Policies and Practices for High-Quality Pre-K from New America

MyPlate ideas and tips to help create a healthier eating style that meets individual needs from the USDA

National Association for Family Child Care

National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)

National Center for Children in Poverty

National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations

National Head Start Association

National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education



Southern Early Childhood Association (SECA)

T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® Arkansas Scholarship Program creates access to higher education for teachers, directors, and family child care providers

TIPS for Great Kids! a useful, practical info for parents that leads to successful outcomes for children ages birth to 5 years from UAMS

Tools of the Mind® helping children become intentional and reflective learners, by creating a classroom in which instruction reflect children's learning capacity, rather than age-level expectations


Email us for any questions or issues regarding the content on this page.